Temple History
Our Hindu Temple’s brief History in Calgary.
Most of our Temple’s founding members are Baby Boomers, primarily from India and later joined forces by few families from East Africa. They are supporting our efforts and providing us guidance, as and when needed. We are very proud of their efforts and their foresightedness, by creating a place like Hindu Temple
We are also equipped with the Byelaws and the Policy procedures manual to calmly govern and maintain harmony in our members, Operating management, and members of Board of Trustees We are looking to enhance our services and look forward to promoting Hindu Religious and Cultural activities to Canadians.
Cultural Activities
Our Objectives and Commitments to Hinduism

Our Commitment is to foster the sprit of dedication and devotion to the Hindu values of life as suited to all in modern times.
We promote and preserve the understanding of ethical, spiritual, social, religious, and philosophical foundations and practices Hinduism.
We like to promote the development of intrinsic values of life through religious meditation, music, dancing, rites, and such other ceremonies as are related to Hindu heritage.
We also celebrate most important Hindu festivals.
We promote and provide opportunities for friendly, social and multi-cultural activities.
We do promote respect and understanding between various cultural and religious groups.
To accord assistance to the family of any member of the community or any community or area in distress.
We organize charitable activities such as food banks and for other local & international human crises, and to receive charitable donations for the Society.
We provide a meeting place for carrying on the activities of the Society.
We do acquire and maintain equipment and furniture for the Society.
We try to establish and maintain libraries and reading rooms.
We would like to build or buy a Cultural Centre for religious, educational, cultural, and recreational needs of our Society.
We conduct, promote, and carry on activities of cultural, intellectual, Social, religious, and charitable nature and undertake all such lawful activities as are deemed necessary for the attainment and realization of the above objectives.
Temple Hours
Hours of Operations Monday to Saturday are as follows:
Hours of Operations on Sunday are as follows:
During Special Events we increase hours of operation to suit the activities and inform all members by email, for the details of the event and timings.
Sunday Hours
Details of our normal services on Sundays are as follows:
Havan Puja every Sunday approx. 60 minutes
1st Sunday of the Month Hanuman Chalisa.
2nd Sunday of the month invited Artists for Bhajans.
3rd Sunday of the month Amrit Vani.
4th Sunday of the month Seniors Artist or Hindu Vidyala students.
Pravachan every Sunday by Pandit Dhaneshji approx. 45 minutes
- Society’s News and information every Sunday by President.
- Aarti by all participants.
- Parikrama and Prashad
- Disbursement and Langar Prashad downstairs in the dinning room.